Saturday, March 5, 2011

At The Lake In Kandy.........................

I spent a little time at the lake in Kandy last Thursday. I like this particular lake for the photographic opportunities it offers. On one side of the lake there are some dead trees fallen in to it and you can always see a variety of waterbirds, turtles and huge water monitors perched on them and enjoying the sun.  Inhabiting a lake in the middle of a very thickly populated city, these birds are not as vary of us humans. However, this photography expedition didn't go all that well, the sunlight was way too bright, and I haven't    got the hang of exposure compensation and spot metering. Dah!.....

Asian Openbill Stork/ Anastomus oscitans
Asian Openbill Stork Anastomus oscitans

Asian Openbill Stork Anastomus oscitans 1

Black-crowned Nigt Heron/ Nycticorax nycticorax

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax1 

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax

Black-crowned Night Heron /Nycticorax nycticorax Juvenile

Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Juvenile

Little Cormorant /Microcarbo niger/දියකාවා

Little Cormorant Microcarbo nigerදියකාවා

Little Cormorant Microcarbo nigerදියකාවා1

Parker's Black Turtle/ Melanochelys trijuga parkeri/ පාකර්ගේ ගල් ඉබ්බා

Parker's Black Turtle Parker's Black Turtle පාකර්ගේ ගල් ඉබ්බා1


Parker's Black Turtle Parker's Black Turtle පාකර්ගේ ගල් ඉබ්බා

Water Monitor/Varanus salvator salvator/ කබරගොයා

Water MonitorVaranus salvator salvator කබරගොයා